Akhila Malankara Orthodox Shusrushaka Sangham (AMOSS)
Akhila Malankara Orthodox Shusrushaka Sangham, also known as AMOSS, is dedicated to educating our acolytes regarding the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church's beliefs, customs, and practises of the Holy Qurbana as well as other holy sacraments and significant days in our canonical year. AMOSS provides selfless service to the worship and spiritual activities of our Cathedral throughout the years under the guidance of our Vicar, Rev. Fr. Aji K Varughese. An acolyte is one who is ordained to serve God in the Holy Altar. They are the
main pillars of the holy services.
Our senior acolytes are always at hand to tutor and explain the routines in the Holy Altar to our younger generation. We are proud to have more than 25 dedicated acolytes, and between 12 to 20 acolytes are actively serving in our Cathedral every Sunday as well as during festivals and Holy weekdays. Most of the acolytes are attending evening prayers every Saturday. In addition, they are participating in intercessory prayers to St. Mary and Holy Qurbana every 1st Friday and 1st Saturday of each month, respectively.
We have a Cathedral Acolytes WhatsApp group to communicate the importance of the upcoming Sundays, festivals, special feasts and the lectionary of that particular day. We have an attendance register and rostering system to turn duties and responsibilities within our unit every week.
President: Rev. Fr. Aji K Varughese
AMOSS Secretary: Anil Tharakan